Adrian Grimm

I am the hardest-working Rails Developer you'll ever meet.

I love to write code and bring projects to life!

About Me I love writing code that conforms to and exceeds established "best practices" of design and accessibility standards. I love to learn and improve my skills, all while building cool and interactive projects.

Hello There!

I am a Ruby on Rails developer currently living in Florida. Currently, I am a Web Developer for Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, Tenn.

After serving in the United States Marine Corps, I leveraged my military discipline to master front-end development through #VetsWhoCode, complemented by a Web Design & Development certificate from Stark State College.

When I'm not coding, I'm spending time with my wife, kids and cats. I am an avid Star Wars fan and a devoted fan of the Indianapolis Colts.

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My Skills


Projects Here are a few things I've been working on

Launch Monitor App Screenshot


I built this application to learn how to use APIs in Rails, as well as TailwindCSS.

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Indianapolis Colts App Screenshot

Colts on Rails

This was my very first Rails application, built to develop the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails.

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Havamal Website Screenshot


This is a website I built and maintain for the Swedish band Havamal.

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Contact Me Like what you've seen? Send me a message. Let's connect and talk!